==================================================================== The FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for KING NEPTUNE'S ADVENTURE, v0.9 Written and maintained by Torro (aka SubSane) Last Updated August 14, 2004 ==================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Game Details 1.2 Story 2.0 BASICS 2.1 Game Start 2.2 Status Screen 2.3 Controls 2.4 Normal Items 3.0 WALKTHROUGH 3.1 King's Castle 3.2 The Maze 3.3 Open Ocean 3.4 Sunken Ship 3.5 Deep Sea 3.6 Dark Castle 3.7 Volcano 3.8 Atlantis 3.9 Inner Chamber 4.0 ITEM LISTS 4.1 Treasures 4.2 Money 4.3 Red Dolphins 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. 5.1 Version History 5.2 Guide Credits 5.3 Contact Information 5.4 Legal Stuff ==================================================================== ===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ============================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Game Details -------------------------------------------------------------------- This game was released in 1990 for the Nintendo, which is crazy because I was only like seven years old. The fact that I'm writing a FAQ for it fourteen years later is just weird to think about. Anyway, here we have a title by Color Dreams, the notorious developer that released several unlicensed games back in the late 80s and early 90s. It's a quirky little game, but still fun to play. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Story -------------------------------------------------------------------- A dark tentacled creature has stolen the orb and eight precious treasures. Some believe its lair is in the Inner Chamber of the lost city of Atlantis. Help King Neptune find the orb and the eight lost treasures. ==================================================================== ===== 2.0 BASICS =================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Game Start -------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Start =========== Press start to begin the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Status Screen -------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Select to access the map and items: Health ====== The drops in the top corner are King Neptune's health. Sea horses ========== The number of sea horses collected. Keys ===== The number of keys you have. Bubble bombs ============ The amount of remaining bubble bombs. Money ===== Collect ten of these and ? Lives ===== That picture at the top-right side is the lives counter. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------- Command | Character Action ---------------------------------------------------------------- Start | Pause Select | Access items and map Left | Swim left Right | Swim right Up | Swim up Down | Swim down B button | Light shots A button | Bubble bombs -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Normal Items -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bubble bombs ============ Bubble bombs are these yellowish circles that appear throughout the game. Each one gives up 16 bubble bombs. Sea horses ========== Collect 30 sea horses to get an extra life. Get them by shooting enemies. Drops ===== Shoot green sting rays to get the drops and refill health. Keys ===== Keys appear when they are needed. ==================================================================== ===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ============================================== So, the goal here is to collect those eight treasures and the orb that King Neptune loves so much. All that stuff will be in the walkthrough, in addition to the money and dolphins you'll find along the way. If you just want the lists, go to section 4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 King's Castle -------------------------------------------------------------------- Start by grabbing the bubble bombs near the throne, then swim to the green window. The Crown treasure will then float down from the window above. Congratulations, you already found a treasure! Swim up to the door and kill that red monster outside the castle (only two light shots) then shoot the very top of the tower on the left side of the castle. This will get you your first money item. Swim left. This will lead to a small, unnamed area above the Maze. Talk to the red dolphin for a tip about the Sword treasure (we'll get to that later), then swim into the door at the bottom to enter the Maze. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 The Maze -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I suppose I could describe how to get through the maze... but that would just get you lost. Trust me. Fortunately for you and me, a picture is worth a thousand words. Before I get to the maps, a few tips: - Rebound light shots off the walls to hit the sea weed monsters and crabs. - The various letters are the connecting paths. For example: if you go through one "A" path you'll end up at the other "A" path. Check the maps to find your way through the maze. Now then, check out these maps. START = Entrance TRSR = Happiness treasure KEY = ... well, a key BOSS = The orange dragon. Kill it with bubble bombs. **,*****!!*!*****,** Q **' B '!!*!*** !*!*!¦!=¦(((=*,*'**! !*, '*!!*!*! !****¦ '** !*' '**!**** ****** START '** **' '***!,¦* ¦*!*!¦ ,*! ¦*, ,*!!¦*(* !***!! '*! !*' '*!*¦*¦* ****!* '*! **' '*!*!*** !*!*!! ,*! !*, ,*!!,**! .** !!' '!!!,!,! **' '*!****! C !*' '*!!***! !!' '!!!!*!! .'.'..'.'..'....'.'..'...!*' '*!!***! **,,'',',*,,','',','',',',,. .,,,,',, !!' !*' D **' !*' '..'.'..''*,.'.'..,''..'.'..'.'. !*' E '!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!! ========================================== **' F .** N **,****,****,***!*!!*!*** !*, '*! *'*',*'*',*'*',*'*',*'**! !*' '** '** **' '** '** ¦*, ,*! ,** !*' '*! .!! **' '*! ',',,',',,,*',,',. .!! !*, ,*! !*!*!!*!*!!*!*!!*, ,*! !!' '!! !!' !!' .** **' '*! **' **' !*' '*! !*, !*' O !!' '!! !!' KEY !!' !*' '*! !*,.. .....!*,....... ,,. '** ,,,** **,,',,','',,** '!! '!! !!' '!! D '*! ,*! !*' '*! '*! KEY ¦*! **' '*! .'.'..',*!.'.'.!*,*! !*' ....,*! !*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!! ¦*' '!!!*!!! .................... 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'!!!**!* O MONEY !*' '*!*¦*¦* **' '*!*¦,!* .'.'..'.'..'.'..'.'..'.'.!*' '*!*!*!* !*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*!!!!*' M '!!!*!!! - Open the green barrier by rebounding light shots off the wall. - Shoot the spot to get the money. ========================================== ''''''','''''',,'''''''',,,,'''',****,,, == === ===== .'',*,* == ==== ===== ..'* P == R ==== ===== ., == ==== .* . == = === '* ,. ==== = ,* *. ===== = = == ,* *. ===== = ===== BOSS ., *. ===== = ===== .* *! ===== ===== .* *, === ===== ., *' == ==== .* *. == ==== ===== ., *. ====== ==== .* *. ===== ===== .* *. ====== == == ., *. = ==== .* *,''''''''''''','''''''',*,*,''''''''',, - Defeat the orange dragon by rebounding bombs through the gaps. So, once you have everything you can make your way back to the entrance and return to King's Castle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Open Ocean -------------------------------------------------------------------- Head right from King's Castle to get to the Open Ocean. Grab that floating money to start, and do not go in the door. That will lead to the Sunken Ship, but you don't want to go there yet. Continue to the right and shoot your way through the starfish, sting rays, and puffer fish. Collect the sea horses and drops as well to keep your lives and health up. You'll find the Sword treasure at the end, but make sure you have the Crown before you get there. You must have the Crown to get that Sword from the stone. Return to the left side of the Open Ocean and enter the door to get to the Sunken Ship. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Sunken Ship -------------------------------------------------------------------- It's time to shoot the sharks. You can try the bombs, but it's pretty easy with the light shots. Stay on the opposite side of the sharks and you should do just fine. The door on the right side of the ship will open when you kill the sharks near the entrance, but don't go inside yet. Head left and kill the other two sharks to go inside the left side of the ship. The green dragons in here won't move, but they can shoot fire horizontally and vertically. Stay away from their field of vision and make your way inside the walls. Shoot the dragon on the left with the light shots (this will keep the fire from hitting you), then kill the other dragon in the tunnel with some bombs. Kill the third dragon with some more rebound shots, then get the green key and leave. Head into the right side of the ship and quickly kill the squids swimming around inside. Grab the dolphin for an extra life, then go into the door to fight a skeleton. One bomb should reduce the skeleton to a skull, and another should finish the job. Pick up the Pot of Gold treasure that gets left behind and enter the key door at the top. Now you'll have to fight an evil green sea hag. A bomb might get her, though she is pretty fast so light shots might be more convenient. Shoot her up until she's dead. Pick up the red dolphin for an extra life and move on. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Deep Sea -------------------------------------------------------------------- Avoid that door unless you want to go back to the Open Ocean, then head to the right. This is similar to Open Ocean, but now the enemies are a lot tougher. First up will be the jellyfish, and they don't fool around! One shot from them and you lose a drop. Move ahead slowly and kill them one at a time until you get to a group of green jellyfish. Kill them all to get the various drops. Some more of those white sharks will appear after the sting rays, but they aren't nearly as tough as jellyfish. Kill them off and continue to the right until you see a floating branch along the bottom. Pick it up to get the Peace treasure. Continue until you reach the door on the far right. Go inside to reach the Dark Castle. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Dark Castle -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the two red monsters and shoot the top of the right tower to get a money item. DO NOT go in the door to the right, unless you want to return to Open Ocean. Go inside the castle once the red monsters have been killed. Swim up to the top-middle window to get the Goblet treasure, then go into the door at the bottom. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Volcano -------------------------------------------------------------------- Volcano? Is that even possible under water? Anyway, King Neptune has to go through it to reach Atlantis. There are deadly walls and lava shoots, so my advice is don't touch anything! Keep within the lines, don't leave the black area, etc. Make your way to the left, and remember to stop at the lava shoots and avoid the falling orange rocks from above. Swim up when you see a wall of three skulls in a tunnel. Shoot the three skulls to get the Flame treasure. Swim down to the bottom of the bubble stream that is just to the left of the three skulls to reveal a money item. Swim left and bust through the fire gate with the light shots, then swim into the spiked hall. Bust the fire gate at the bottom to free the red dolphin, who will give you a hint about the three skulls you passed back there. Head left from there and fight your way through one more clam to reach the door at the end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 Atlantis -------------------------------------------------------------------- The final part of the game takes place in the ruins of ancient Atlantis. Kill those floating red spikes and piranhas with a light shot each, then kill the orange sea monster with some bubble bombs. Enter the building at the bottom when you're done. Now you'll have to navigate this maze of electric eels, where one touch and you die. Get through one column at a time until you can grab the green key at the end. You can use light shots to slow down the eels and get them just the way you want them. Leave through the orange door when you're ready. Now go to the right and kill anything that gets in the way. You'll reach a pyramid at the end with a large opening in the middle. Swim high over the opening to reach the other side. Kill the piranha and shoot the top of the statue to get money item, then swim into the pyramid. It's another fight with that orange sea dragon. First head up to the top-left corner and blow up a bomb in the left-middle area to get a money item. Here's a picture to show the spot (the big X): ---------------------------------------- *. ,* *. '* *. ., *. .* *. '* ,. ,* *. ,* *. \ / ., *. \/ ORANGE .* *! /\ DRAGON .* *, / \ ., *' .* *. ., *. EXIT .* *. .* *. ., *. .* ---------------------------------------- Then, use a bubble bomb or two to kill the dragon. Avoid the dragon's green shots as they take one drop of damage per hit. Go through the exit door on the right when you're set. Now you'll be in a room with eight doors. At this point you can return to an earlier part of the game to get items you may have missed, or you can go on to the final stretch. If you want to return to the volcano (you can return to any part of the game from there), enter the third door at the top. If you want to continue, head through the last door at the top and the third door at the bottom. This will take you to another section of ruins with some more minor enemies. Kill them all with light shots, then collect the extra life from the red dolphin. Continue to the right until you see a large building. Kill the enemies around it and get the Love treasure from the right. You must now have all eight treasures, or you can't enter the final boss battle. Return to the left if you're still missing treasures. Enter the door at the top to face the evil black octopus. This thing stole King Neptune's orb, and he won't give it up without a fight! First use a bomb and some light shots to kill those red fish swimming around, and stay at the bottom-right corner to avoid the black octopus' orange shots. Once the fishes are dead you'll need only one bomb to kill off the octopus. Stay at the bottom and rebound a bubble bomb up to the bulbous black head. If the bomb detonates deep enough the head will bust open to release some spiked enemies. It's possible to kill them with bombs, but I advise swimming to the door in the top-left corner to enter the Inner Chamber. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 Inner Chamber -------------------------------------------------------------------- There it is! King Neptune's orb! Swim to the right and grab the glowing treasure from the pile to get the orb and finish the game. Revel in the victory of King Neptune over the denizens of the deep, and party like it's 2001 B.C.! CONGRATULATIONS! ==================================================================== ===== 4.0 ITEM LISTS =============================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Treasures -------------------------------------------------------------------- Crown ===== Get the Crown from the green window inside King's Castle. The Crown is also needed to get the Sword treasure in Open Ocean. Happiness ========= Get the Happiness treasure in the Maze area. Wait between the green vines because one touch will kill you instantly. Sword ===== Get the Sword treasure at the right end of the Open Ocean. Must have the Crown to get the sword. Pot of Gold =========== Kill the skeleton inside the Sunken Ship to get the Pot of Gold. Peace ===== The Peace treasure (a green branch) is found along the bottom, about halfway through the Deep Sea. It will float up from the bottom. Goblet ====== Get the Goblet treasure from the top-center window of Dark Castle, after the two red monsters outside have been killed. Flame ===== Search for a wall of three skulls in the Volcano area. The wall is at the end of the first tunnels. Shoot them to get the Flame treasure. Love ==== Get the Love treasure at the right side of the entrance to the Inner Chamber. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Money -------------------------------------------------------------------- Money items =========== 1. One money item when you shoot the top-left corner of the King's Castle. At the very top of the tower. 2. The dead-end in the "O" path of the Maze (check section 3.2). 3. Floating in the beginning of Open Ocean. 4. Floating outside the sunken ship. 5. Shoot the top of the right tower at Dark Castle. 6. Swim down to the bottom of the bubble stream that is just to the left of the three skulls in Volcano to reveal a money item. 7. Hit the head of the statue on the right side of the pyramid that leads to the orange dragon Atlantis. 8. Blow a bubble bomb in the left-center area of the orange dragon fight at Atlantis. 9. Couldn't find this one. Anybody know where it is? 10. Same as number 9. If you know, please e-mail me. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Red Dolphins -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dolphins (most are extra lives, but some yield hints) ======== - Left of King's Castle. - Open Ocean. - The right entrance of Sunken Ship. - Kill green sea hag at the end of Sunken Ship. - In the spike area of the Volcano. Shoot the cage with a bomb. - Swimming around a building after the multiple doors of Atlantis. ==================================================================== ===== 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Version History -------------------------------------------------------------------- August 14: Version 0.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - Finished the walkthrough and all essential items, but I couldn't find two of the money items. I'll update with those later on. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Guide Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to... 1. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants' guide. It was the inspiration for this waste of time I call FAQ writing. :) 2. Color Dreams for the game, and Nintendo for their nifty little console. 3. The many devoted NES cats out there. The few NES guides I've written are like a drop in an ocean-sized bucket for them. 4. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- The address is: darksub01@yahoo.com The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put 'King Neptune's Adventure' or something similar in the subject line. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Legal Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "King Neptune's Adventure" is copyright © 1990 Color Dreams. 2. This guide copyright © 2004 Torro (AKA SubSane). This guide may be distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that location. 3. The following sites will always have the latest version: GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com